How can anyone be that stupid? If he never wanted to get caught and i'm assuming he must have because he didn't seem to cover his tracks very well... Let's start with that voicemail message. Who leaves their name on the message if you are trying to be discreet? Who doesn't have caller id in this day and age? Never assume you can trust a cocktail waitress, no one would ever believe them that they were sleeping with you so they took assurances to prove it.
She kept over 300 text messages. Seriously, who does that? Someone who is obsessed and crazy (might be the same thing). Are we now going to see her on 20/20 with Barbara Walters? The first question from Barbara, "Why did you do it?" "He's a married man" and then blah blah blah.... then comes the money demands and maybe even a book deal.. We will soon be inundated with the names Rachel Uchitel, Kalika Moquin and Jamie Grubbs...
I think Jamie Grubbs will be the most famous of them all. Her name is easy to remember and she was the smart, crazy one. She kept the messages & voicemails. It's her chance to breakout from the reality tv world of Tool Academy to her current position of Homewrecker.
How many more women will now say they had an affair with Tiger Woods? As for the picture, I received this from a friend in my email, it was obviously photoshopped. I kind of wish that Elin swung a little harder, maybe as she is kicking him out of the house...
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