It's no coincidence that in each of the 3 rounds of the last 3 weeks that the best performer has sung last. They wouldn't want you to change the channel until the most hyped-up performer has sung their heart out, would they? Call it the money spot!
Audiences all over the country do not realize they are being manipulated into voting for who the judges really want to see on the show (Top 12)
Take last night for instance, Felicia Barton, 26, who sang the annoying smash hit by Alicia Keys, 'No One'. That song is almost as annoying as Rihanna's 'Umbrella'. this is the girl who got into the competiton by replacing the girl (can't think of her name) who happened to be good friends with 2 people who worked for 19 entertainment, associated with American Idol.
I think Kara proclaimed, "I can really see you going far this competition".. 10, 11 & 12 yr. old little girls hear that & think , "Oh Kara likes her, she must be good"
She wasn't bad. She sounded pretty good actually but what was different about that song? Two things: it wasn't Alicia Keys & as Idol likes to say, "she didn't make it her own"...
Surprising, Ju'Not Joyner, 26, was pretty good. He did "Hey There Delilah" in a melodic slowed down version. He took a risk and did a good job. But Kara thought "he could have busted out some more" and Simon thought, "He played it too safe"
Then there's Jorge Nunez, 20, who sang Elton John. It was ok and he may have shown his accent in some of the lyrics but it was nothing to write home about. But will his crying after his performance push him through? It may very well..
Kristen McNamara, 22, formerly the blonde and pink & blonde , pink and purple haired karaoke cruise line specialist, belted her way through Tracy Chapman's Gimme One Reason. I love that song. I think she has some great vocals but her actions were a little cheesy with the shouts of "Yeah" and "Come On". I think she's been ridiculed so much by the judges on her fashion choices that her voice won't matter in the competition because she's viewed as a joke.
Let's get to Scott McIntyre, 23, the blind guy who has a soft but sensitive sounding quality to his voice. I like this guy. He seems like a genuinely nice guy. But could the judges be a little less obvious in their attempts to campaign for this guy to make it to the Top 12? Quotes such as: I hope America gives you the chance to show what you can do with that piano. I quite frankly thought he sounded off key quite a bit last night. But according to Kara, Pitch doesn't matter.. Maybe that only applies to the visually impaired.
Worst performances of the night:
Alex Wagner - Trugamn, 19. He sang, "I Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues". How did he make it this far again? That was just a weird performance...
Arianna Asfar, 16. She sang, "The Winner Takes It All" by ABBA. My god, it was really bad. I know she's only 16 yrs. but it was one of those performances you had to hide your eyes with your shirt. Brutal!
And last but not least, Nathaniel Marshall, 18. Or it could be Nathan according to his grandmother? Is it possible she doesn't know his actual name?
It felt like I was watching an exercise video from the 80's. That stupid garter on his head instead of a regular headband. I actually changed the channel because I was cringing with such embarrassment.
I don't have to mention the others because I don't think they have any chances of making it through unless the Wild card round saves them (well maybe Von Smith)
On another note, each year of American Idol, there always seems to be some sort of scandal. Late this afternoon, there has been some pictures uncovered of the finalist Adam Lambert. This is dyed black hair, black fingernail guy. There are several pics of him making out with other guys.
Some people are writing on the web that this will affect his chances of making it through to the finals. It really doesn't matter, does it? Shouldn't it be about their ability to sing and not their lifestyle. I guess we'll find out more down the raod.
Bano! Bano! Bano!
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