Let's just get right into this....
1) Lady GaGa's performance.... I happened to hear her new song on Itunes earlier that day & thought to myself, 'Wow, this song is too much like Madonna & too much electronica' Also, her vocals were pitchy as Randy Jackson would say & all around not very good. When she won for Best Pop Performance, she thanked Whitney Houston because she always pictured her singing that song because she never imagined herself singing it, she proclaimed. WHAAAAAAAAATTTTTT???
2) The Smith Family.... I'm sorry but does any seem to think Will Smith and his family are annoying? I was told by a friend that Willow Smith proclaimed on the red carpet that 'all the Smiths have great confidence" when asked why it seemed like she has such great confidence... Don't try to make kids like Willow & Jaden some sort of musical prodigy. I can't stand obnoxious kids who act like they're know-it-alls. Also, hated when the camerman kept getting shots of Will & Jada in the audience proud of their son, which I'm not knocking they shouldn't be, but don't overdue it CBS.
3) Standing O's... Once again, it baffles me how the music industry determines who gets a standing O after a performance.. B.o.B, Bruno Mars & Janelle Monae: All talented in their own right but not so good performing last night yet a standing O.... Lady Antebellum sing eventually the winner of Song & Record of The Year and No standing O....Justin Bieber & Usher dance around like robots & sound mediocre, standing O.... Gwyneth Paltrow & Cee-Lo (black Elton John performing with the Muppets), a standing O..... John Mayer, Norah Jones & Keith Urban perform, No standing O... Eminem could get up to walk to the bathroom and he gets a Standing O...Bob Dylan, who is a legend I know, sounded like the worst I have ever heard. And it wasn't his usually sucking but his voice was so hoarse and froggy, it was embarrassing yet Standing O...... Theory is: Legends get Standing O's whether they stink or not, young black artists get Standing O's, even relatively unknowns like Esperanza Spalding (in my opinion is so talented that she could have won all the awards) and country artists usually do not...(Didn't see one for Miranda Lambert or Muse either)
4) Boring & Too long.... Usually the performances are memorable & sometimes even blow you away... Not this year, vocals were off and the songs were kind of boring... I fell alseep and woke up to people screaming for Eminem after winning the Best Rap album.. I thought for a second he may have won Album of the Year because it was just abut 11pm but they went to break and said More to come with.... At that point, I shut the TV off and went to bed...
5) J-Lo....She looked utterly bored and since she was in the front row, the camera kept panning past her.. If you're going to sit in the front row, put on a fake smile even though she was probably thinking, "Everyone of you would be voted off Idol because you stink", and just enjoy the show....
That's all for now....