Who doesn't want bargains? But who wants to get up at 2am in the morning to get the deals for when stores open at 3am? NOT ME!!
So instead, I got up as if I was going to work and got out on the road around 7ish with my mom along. I head out to Dartmouth, MA where almost every store that had a sale was located. I was surprised to see not very many cars on the road until we hit the heart of Rte 6 in Dartmouth. First stop, TARGET!!!
Target's parking lot was pretty full and people weren't even bothering to look for spots because they were parking along the road even before the lot began. I said, "Screw that" and found a spot a few aisles away from the entrance. The lines were quite long and people's baskets were pretty full. Our mission was to find some Wii games my nephew wanted.
There were 3 Target employees standing around the electronics department talking about who the hell knows but they didn't seem very anxious to help anyone. I asked the young girl if she knew if they had a "build-it wii remote by Lego" and she looked at me like I had 2 heads. Her response was, "uh I don't know but you should ask the cashiers because they would know" Well, wouldn't you think she would know since she was working in that department? And if I had asked one of the cashiers I would have had to wait about 1/2 hr. So instead I ask this young guy and he walked over to the remotes looked once and went over and asked the same stupid girl who I asked. He comes back to me and says No, we don't. Obviously her opinion changed from 'I don't know' to 'No'. Found out later that it is sold exclusively at Toys R Us.
Next stop, Dick's Sporting Goods where it was dead as anything. Maybe because their coupons were spend $150 and get a $25 gift card or Buy $75 and get 5% off. Well maybe not that much off but our main reason was to search for duck shoes. No one sells them in stores anymore. Yes, they sell the boots but not the shoes. Oh yes, Land's End & LL Bean sell them for $85 & up but really? Too much.
So we drive off to the Mall. Parking was easy and as we happily set off to enter, a family of loons is walking out the entrance. I say Loons because that is the nicest word I can think of. It first got my attention at , "Shut the F Up". I couldn't tell if it was a father or some random guy but this man told this teenager to,"Shut the F Up" and then as a woman had her arm around this young girl, she spewed back, "F You" and another girl got in on it and shouted, "You shut the F Up" and then he shouted, "Shut the F Up". It was quite the scene. So anyway, after we recovered from our shock, we entered the mall and this security guard was walking briskly towards the Loons. Then all of a sudden 3 other security guards talking in their 2 ways were walking briskly towards the entrance. I should have filmed it and posted it on here but I didn't want to waste my time. That started us off with a bang.
Next stores, OLYMPIA - bought nothing, OLD NAVY - got some bargains for the kids, MACY's.. Let me tell you about MACY's. They always screw you over with the coupons they send you. Get 20% off when you spend $50. That doesn't sound bad does it? Well, if you flip the coupons over, it reads Excludes: Everyday Values, specials, Super Buys, cosmetics, fragrances, electrics & electronics, furniture, designer handbags, watches, Coach, Dooney & Burke, Levi's, Lacoste, Polo, Waterford Crystal, etc Basically any famous brand name you can think of is on the back. So my mom buys me a present for xmas and she tries to use one of the other coupons that they put in the Thanksgiving Day paper. The young man tells us, "Oh Sorry, you cannot use any of the coupons on the Early Bird specials" WHAAATTTTTTTTT?? Isn't the whole point of Black Friday, getting up early and shop for the early bird specials? Why put out the coupons in the newspaper and then say you can't use them? MACY's is good every once in a blue moon but on the most part, they will screw you when it counts. I also think it depends on the store and the salesperson. Some let you use it and others do not.
JC PENNY - Nothing, SEARS - Nothing, BATH & BODY - a little somethin' somethin'.
We left that mall and went to KOHL's. That place was crazy as well and I bought a few things there and the lines were ridiculous but because KOHL's is so well organized, the lines moved so quick, you didn't have to wait long at all. CHRISTMAS TREE SHOP - not that crowded but next time, if you have a coupon, extend it through Noon at least.
Lunch finally. 5 GUYS BURGERS & FRIES takeout. Drive home and rest up for my 2nd wind. TJ MAXX, WALMART and B&N. Done!
Except for the Loons & MACY's, it was all in all, a pretty good experience...
Oops I almost forgot the best deal of the day! the GAP had 50% the entire store until 10am. How cool is that? That was the best deal of the day. More stores should have stepped up to the plate like the GAP because it was well worth waiting 20 minutes in line to get to the counter..